How We Opened the Top of Hiring Funnel – And Got Better Hires for Tekion

How We Opened the Top of Hiring Funnel – And Got Better Hires for Tekion

IntervueJuly 24, 20235 min read
About Tekion
Coordinating schedules, ensuring a seamless candidate experience, and maintaining data-driven recruitment strategies can often be tedious.
Akhil, head of talent acquisition at Tekion, with offices in Bangalore and Chennai, shares his experience about how Intervue has dramatically changed their recruitment approach. With over a decade of experience in tech recruitment at notable companies, he deeply understands the importance of an efficient hiring process.
Before Intervue, the talent acquisition team grappled with scheduling interviews due to time-consuming coordination between candidates and interviewers. Scheduling turnaround often reached a week, with an additional week needed to build the candidate pipeline.
This lengthy process resulted in wasted man-hours, a precious resource that could have been directed towards strategic initiative.
Beyond Scheduling: A Data-Driven Approach
When Tekion first started their search for an effective recruitment platform, they weren't looking for a mere scheduling tool; they were seeking a comprehensive solution that addressed a range of challenges from scheduling, candidate experience, to being more data-driven in their recruitment process. The team needed to build recruitment pipelines quickly, reduce scheduling times, and enhance the overall candidate experience. The recruitment platform had to be agile enough to meet the 'need for speed' that is inherent in the tech industry.
Intervue became the catalyst for transformation in Tekion’s talent acquisition strategy by offering a robust, efficient, and candidate-focused solution. With the introduction of Intervue, the turnaround time for scheduling interviews was reduced to less than 24 hours - a striking contrast to the week-long process they had before. This rapid scheduling ability, paired with a quick feedback system, allowed them to enhance candidate experience, making the hiring process more seamless and efficient.
The platform's data-driven capabilities proved to be another significant game-changer for the team. Interview's real-time reporting dashboard gave them the opportunity to make data-backed decisions. The detailed insights, analytics, and comprehensive view of the hiring process helped them gain a better understanding of their recruitment pipeline, enabling them to streamline their strategies effectively.
Intervue’s Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
It was not just the product's efficiency that won Tekion over; it was the user experience. According to Akhil, compared to the cluttered and complex designs of other platforms, Intervue stood out with its simple, intuitive layout. The team found it easier to navigate and discover key features without getting lost in a maze of options. Intervue's commitment to customization further reinforced its value. Tekion found that the platform was responsive to their unique needs, working closely with them to bring requested features to life. This collaborative and client-focused approach left a lasting impression on Tekion, distinguishing Intervue from many other platforms. Whether it was about adding new features or integrating with other Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs), Interview catered to the company's specific requirements, allowing them to rapidly scale their recruitment efforts.
The Deciding Factor: A Proactive Approach
When asked what made Intervue the preferred choice, the decisive factor was the team's proactive approach to customer service and product development. This dedication to client satisfaction, combined with a user-friendly, data-driven platform, makes Intervue a game-changer in the recruitment industry. 'What you want is what you get from Intervue.' - Akhil (Head of Talent Acquisition at Tekion).
Intervue's impact on Tekion is a testament to how the right platform can dramatically transform the recruitment process. With Intervue, companies can streamline their hiring efforts, deliver a superior candidate experience, and make data-driven recruitment decisions. Tekion's success with Interview serves as a prime example of this transformative journey.
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