We did a pilot drive for testing and found many UX issues which have been taken care of.
Here are the details:
- Better previous and next buttons to switch across questions
- Invite candidates now have a sample CSV that you can download
- Error message of 1 of the email is not valid was not removed after delete all button was clicked. This is fixed.
- Test start time and end time has been added while inviting the candidate so user can schedule campus drives in a better way.
- Test name is now a part of the email title as well that goes out to the candidate
- End test button is now called Submit test.
- Pagination to switch across multiple questions is now more intuitive
- Down-timer position has been changed
- Small guide is available for the user to learn about test controls
- Bulk invitation to invite up-to 800 candidates has been achieved
- Emails were not converted to lowercase while sending emails. This caused a small validation issue. It has been taken care of.
- Bulk uploading list of candidates now shows error right in the table to improve the UX